Episode 100: All the Shoutouts are 20% More Manly!!!

Click the images below to read the latest chapter. Check out what the crew thought of them and give us your opinions as well!

Episode 100

Guess who with Carla


Cooking with Elfman

Naruto’s Ramen



  • 2 Packages of Top Ramen
  • About 5 cups of pork or beef broth (You can use the stuff in a box, the stuff in a can, or the cubes or the paste)
  • Pork tenderloin
  • 2 Eggs
  • 1 Baby bok choy
  • 1 Green onion
  • Soy sauce
  • Optional:
  • Aburage – that’s those brown sticks on the right side of the bowl, it’s a type of soy product that’s used when you make inari-zushi.  It’s some of my favorite stuff, and you should be able to find it at an Asian food store.
  • Nori – I forgot to put this is mine, but it’s those black/green sheets sticking out of the back.  You’d probably be able to find this at any grocery store with an Asian foods section
  • Kamaboko – This is that white thing with the pink swirl.  Its made of a sort of fish paste that is steamed into like a cake.  I know it’s kind of distintive in the Naruto ramen, but I didn’t have time to go and grab some from an Asian food store (which is where you’d have to get it).


  1. Marinate the tenderloin for at least 3 hours. You can use just soy sauce, or a mixture of whatever other Asian sauces you want. Teriyaki would be good, as would some mirin.
  2. Preheat your oven to 450, then cook the tenderloin for 12-15 minutes, or until cooked all the way through.
  3. Put your eggs in a pot with enough water to cover them. Bring to a boil and cover with a lid.  It should take about 10 minutes to hard boil the eggs.  Then pull them out and put them into a bowl of cold water to cool.
  4. While this is happening, pour or mix the stock/broth in a pot and bring it to a simmer.  You can add soy sauce or mirin to taste.
  5. Once simmering, add the Top Ramen noodles. Do NOT add in the flavor packets.  Let that cook.
  6. Now, we cut up all the toppings!  Peel the eggs and slice them in half, cut the pork,  kamaboko, bok choy, aburage, and green onion into thin slices.
  7. Serve up the noodles and broth in a nice deep bowl, then place all the ingredients in groups on top, and add in a few small rectangles of nori.  Itadakimasu!

To see more pictures and descriptions click on the image to be taken to the website Eflman found this recipe on. Be sure to leave a comment, like, or thumbs up to let the author know you enjoyed the post.

Portal: GlaDOS Cupcakes



White frosting
1 cup white candy melts
Black gel
Black food coloring
Gummy candies (blue, yellow, red, and purple, but you don’t need all of the colors)

Ingredients for Royal Icing (for half a dozen cupcakes) :

2 cups powdered sugar
1 tablespoons meringue powder
Several tablespoons warm water (2-3)


1. After baking your cupcakes of choice and allowing them to cool, take the white candy melts and zap them for 30 seconds in the microwave. After the timer goes off, stir, and place back into the microwave for another 30 seconds. Repeat until the candy melts are completely melted.
Take a cupcake and dip into the bowl of candy melts. Repeat for all cupcakes. The candy melts will begin to harden, so you’ll want to be quick!

2. After dipping all the cupcakes, take the black gel and dab a bit in the center of the cupcake.

3. Take a gummy and push on top of the black gel. The colors of the GlaDOS cores are blue, yellow, red, and purple. My bag of gummy candies had reds, oranges, and yellows, so no cool colors for my cupcakes.

4. Allow the cupcakes to sit for an hour or so for the candy top to harden.

5. When you’re ready to use the royal icing, mix together the powdered sugar, meringue powder, and one tablespoon of warm water. Add a tiny bit more water if the mixture is too thick.
Leaving a few tablespoons of royal icing in the bowl, take the rest and add a tiny bit of black food coloring, just to give it a gray tint. The smaller amount of royal icing can be dyed black. Once both colors have been fully incorporated, scoop the icings into sealable plastic bags.
Cut off the corner of the bag with the gray royal icing, and draw the following outline on all of the cupcakes


6. Next, cut the corner off of the black royal icing bag and draw straight lines above and below the gummy, but don’t draw completely all the way to the gummy center.
The different colors of the cores have different dots. Purple has one near the bottom, yellow has two near the bottom, the blue has three, and the red has four. Add the dots as appropriate to the gummy color.

7. Make a half dozen GlaDOS cupcakes.

To see more pictures and descriptions click on the image to be taken to the website Eflman found this recipe on. Be sure to leave a comment, like, or thumbs up to let the author know you enjoyed the post.

Peeta’s Chessy Buns


  • 3 cups flour
  • 1 packet active dry yeast
  • 1 tbs sugar
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 3/4 cup shredded sharp cheddar cheese
  • 3/4 cup shredded gruyere cheese
  • 1/2 cup warm milk
  • 1/2 cup warm water
  • 1 1/2 tablespoons olive oil
  • 3 tbs cup butter, melted
Preheat your oven to 375º Fahrenheit. Grease a small pan. Combine 1 1/2 cups flour, sugar, salt and the yeast in a large mixing bowl, thoroughly mix. Toss in 1/2 cup of each cheese. Add the warm milk, warm water and the oil. Beat for about 5 minutes. Gradually stir in the rest of the flour until you have a soft dough. Put dough on a floured board. Knead the dough until it is elastic and not sticky, adding more flour if necessary. Place in a greased bowl and then flip the dough over to grease the other side. Cover the dough with plastic wrap. Let the dough rise in a warm environment for approximately one half hour. Punch the dough down, cover again and let rest for 10 more minutes. Cut dough into 20 separate pieces. Shape each into a sphere. Dip each ball in melted butter. Arrange balls in two layers in the small well greased pan. Cover with a paper towel. Let rise in warm place until balls are almost to top of pan, about one hour. Sprinkle the remaining cheeses over the rolls. Bake on the lower rack of a preheated 375°F oven for about 35 minutes or until rolls are firm and golden. Let cool for 5 minutes and enjoy!!
To see more pictures and descriptions click on the image to be taken to the website Eflman found this recipe on. Be sure to leave a comment, like, or thumbs up to let the author know you enjoyed the post.
Mudder’s Milk
2-3 Shots of Jack Daniels Tennessee Honey
1/2 Cup Milk
1/2 Cup Plain Greek Yogurt
1 Banana
2 Tablespoons Peanut Butter
1/4 Cup Oatmeal Honey to taste Cinnamon
Combine all ingredients in a blender, blend until consistency is smooth and drinkable. Pour into a mug and enjoy!
To see more pictures and descriptions click on the image to be taken to the website Eflman found this recipe on. Be sure to leave a comment, like, or thumbs up to let the author know you enjoyed the post.

Reedus’ Gallery


This week’s fanarrt is titled Fairy Tail and is drawn by YuruiKarameru. Elfman thought that this fanart was worthy of episode 100. When asked what stood out the most all he could come up with was “whirly whirly swosh swosh” to describe all the magic in the picture. Carla picked at the fact it looks like she is missing a finger on each hand, while Elfman and Natsu said she was not. The crew as a whole thought this was an amazing fanart and there could not have been a better one chosen for episode 100. This image got a rating of (in bra sizes) 2 =DD.

Fairy Tail 347: Red, Blue, Blonde Hair Fight


The fanart for this weeks chapter is titled Fairy Tail 347 – lucy and was drawn by i-azu. The crew thought there was some things in this chapter that were awesome, and some that wanted to make us want to face palm…like Virgo. Natsu really wants Flare to join Fairy Tail. He also did not like how this chapter only focused on the girls and kinda left everyone else out of the chapter. To see what Carla thought check out Manga Review in the drop down menu under the Review tab on the navigation bar above. To read the chapter click on the image of the fanart. To see the fanart in a larger size click on the title of the fanart. To visit the artist click on the name of the artist. While your visiting the artist remember to leave a comment telling them what you think of this fanart and the rest of their art work.

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Otakon 2013 Review

Just to start off, this was our first time at Otakon ever.


The first hurdle was finding our badges and that was a bit of a chore seeing as how most of the staff at the lines did not know where we needed to go. Thankfully we didn’t have to wait in the giant line for them, we went to the registration desk and they pointed us in the right direction. I understand that Otakon is a huge con, but having to go to another hotel outside of the con was a bit frustrating, even at Anime Expo you pick up your badges for pre reg, press, and walk in at the same area. We were glad though, for the press lounge and the interview rooms being separate from the rest of the con. By the time we had gotten there we had missed our interview with Kyle Hebert due to complications at the hotel, but this was our fault and not the convention’s. Happily though, he showed up a bit later and agreed to join us on Konoha Corner for one of our live shows, this ended up being much better than we had originally planned, so it all worked out well in the end. Sadly the only person that we didn’t get a chance to interview was Maile Flanagan, Naruto for the Viz dub. Hopefully next time we will be able to interview her at a con, get her on the show, or be able to give her a card.


The lines were extremely long, getting to the autograph line an hour early didn’t guarantee you were going to make it inside either, and several press people were denied entrance into the room despite talking to the guests prior to their panels to arrange to make sure they got certain things signed. Several times the lines were either cut off an hour to 30 minutes before the guests even arrived, or the guests were moved from one room to another, and live tweeted about it. Sadly most of the people in line who needed this information did not own smart phones, so they stood in line to get an autograph from someone who wasn’t even there, then when they finally got there, they find out not only had they been moved, but that they were now gone because no one showed up for some time, simply because it was changed last minute. These are things we heard from talking with people after we had already gotten a chance to meet with the guests and getting stuff signed. It was the first time I had felt horrible for having press status and being able to go in relatively early, even though we had been waiting for over an hour before the ones we needed to be at began.


The dealer’s hall was massive and offered lots of amazing things, it was a bit confusing to navigate, but really, what dealer room isn’t? Tracking down the booth for Little Kuriboh took us about 25 minutes, however finding the Crunchyroll, FUNimation, and Aniplex booths, was simple.


The staff was very kind and professional with us, not sure if that was because we were press or because we actually knew how to be polite when asking questions.

Our only main issue was that the map was a bit confusing when it came to finding panel room 6 in the Hilton. But the staff was very helpful in pointing us in the right direction. Again this was our first time at Otakon and we were just beginning to learn the layout.


Cosplay; there was a huge amount of cosplayers, and a wide variety as well. Unlike most cons I have been to this year, Otakon was not overpopulated by one specific cosplay group. *cough* homestuck *cough* In fact we got a lot of great pictures there that you can view on both our Instagram and Tumblr pages. Though Tumblr has more, since we didn’t like cropping the images.

Once you get over the size of the con and learn to walk through it without bumping into to many people you start to get used to it, and it begins to feel like a much bigger version of the cons you are used to.


The biggest difference of course, is the guest list. Todd Haberkorn and Vic Migogna are at so many cons that it’s almost common place, but groups like TM Revolution and Home Made Kazoku as well as Yoko Kanno, Shinichiro Watanabe, Crispin Freeman, Kyle Hebert, Mike McFarland,  and Masayuki Ozaki just to name a few. So yes Otakon is well worth your time and money and we would go back in a heartbeat. We drove 10+ hours to be there and would gladly do so again, but I think we’ll just take a flight next year and make things easier.

Long story short, we had lots of fun and can’t wait to do it all over again, and hopefully miss less stuff next year, because we got lost so many times.

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Episode 99: The Carlanator recaps Otakon!!!

Click the images below to read the latest chapter. Check out what the crew thought of them and give us your opinions as well!

Episode 99

Guess who with Carla


Reedus’ Gallery


This weeks fanart is titled Nya…! and is done by GodSlayer777. Everyone on the show thought that is was the most adorable thing they ever saw. Lucy thought that Erza might have needed a little more “blush” because of the physical contact and that Millianna’s boob looked a little off, but overall the crew fell ears over tails in love with this fanart. This fan art got rated (in bra sizes) 3 =DD. To see the image at a larger size click on the title of the fanart. To see more from this artist, click on the name of the artist. Remember, while you are checking out this fanart and the artist deviantArt, leave a comment telling them what you think about this fanart.

FanFishin’ with Happy



Above is some fanart to go with this weeks fanfishin with Happy. Below that is the link to the fanfiction we read on the show. We will read some more on episode 100. So tune in to find out what Lucy and Mirajane do on their job. The fanart is titled Come on Lucy! and is done by zippi44. To see the image at a larger size, click on the title. To see more by this artist click on the name of the artist. Remember to leave a comment on their deviantArt telling them what you think about this fanart and the rest of their work.

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Episode 98: An angry Carla is a cute Carla and Natsu auditions for NPR

Click the images below to read the latest chapter. Check out what the crew thought of them and give us your opinions as well!

Episode 98

Guess who with Carla


Reedus’ Gallery


This weeks fanart is called Wendy Marvell – Princess of the wind and was drawn by Glacegon. This weeks fanart got rated (in bra sizes) 1 =DD 1 =B 1 =BB. Lucy thought that it was an adorable picture but Carla looked to happy. Carla did not like the effect that was used on the picture, but thought the picture was well done if the effect had not been used. To see the fanart up close, click on the title of the fanart. To see more from this artist click on the artist name. While checking out the artist, remember to leave a comment telling them what you think about this fanart.

Fairy Tail Chapter 346: The Law of Retrogression


This weeks fanart for the chapter is called Fairy Tail 346 Flare and was done by KazuyaG12. Natsu thought that the two treasure hunter guild members putting in cat mask and pretending to be Happy and Carla was a elephant in the room. He like how it was the magic that was made small not Erza and Natsu in the physical. They were made small as a side effect of their magic being shrunk. To see what Carla thought of this chapter check out the Manga Review for this chapter.This chapter was rated (in bra sizes)1 =D 1 =C. To read the chapter click on the image. To see the image click on the title of the fanart. To see more from this artist, click on the artist name. While on their deviantArt remember to leave a comment telling them what you think about their fanart.

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Manga Review: Chapter 346 The Law of Retrogression

Hey guys Carla here to bring you this weeks review of the manga. Now just a reminder this is my opinion of the manga.There are some spoilers, so if you have not read this chapter or the chapters leading to it. Then I suggest you not read any further.

Chapter 346 The Law of Retrogression 


Fanart by JasmineBlack. Click on the name to see more from this artist.

Click the fanart to read the chapter. 

So this weeks chapter continued with Erza and Natsu being kids again. Erza finds out that she still has some magic ability, but her ex-quip is much slower. Which would not be a problem if it was not for Minerva showing up and challenging her. And face it, this woman just does not know when to go away. I was annoyed when she showed back up, but to keep a story going we need a villain: which at the start of this arc I thought was going to be the treasure hunter guild.

Anyway back to this chapter. While Minerva is challenging Erza, Natsu meets Minerva’s guild mate who is responsible for turning them into children. Now Natsu getting punched and tossed around was hilarious, not going to lie. But I mean really, who hits a kid? Natsu’s decision to pull a child’s prank on the guy was a good idea, cause face it…he was not going to win this fight. But we also learn that his magic only works on “humans” and he admits that he is not human…so what is he?

This could not be a chapter of Fairy Tail if there was not a little fan service, so you get a almost butt shot of Wendy. Wendy then tells Lucy that they are being followed by the treasure hunter guild. Who apparently thinks that putting on cat mask and pretending to be Carla and Happy is going to help them get Lucy’s keys. Nice try, props for the effort but no go there peeps, sorry.

At the end of the chapter we see Flare, now the fact of her showing up had me scratching my head. But as I read the words and noticed her guild mark I was suspicious. She stopped the bullet from hitting Lucy or Wendy, but what is she there for? What guild is she with? Also is she good or bad? We will just have to wait until next weeks chapter unfortunately.

Overall I give this chapter a thumbs up, it was funny, but kept the story line moving. It also left me wondering what will happen next. So on a scale from 1-10 I give it a 7. Stay tuned for next weeks manga review.

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Episode 97: Lucy’s Bunnies and Erza’s Dick Check Punishment!!!

Click the images below to read the latest chapter. Check out what the crew thought of them and give us your opinions as well!

Episode 97

Guess who With Carla


Cooking with Elfman

Dothraki Blood Pie


Click the image to go to ingredients and cooking directions. Remember to leave a comment and tell them about how your cooking and tasting experience went.

Grey Worm


  • Combine equal parts Bulleit 95 Rye, Fernet Branca, Crème De Violette & Solerno Blood Orange Liqueur
  • Solemnly shake with ice
  • Strain into a coupe glass with battle hardened authority
  • Serve with a three olive garnish

Click the photo to go and leave a comment on how your Grey Worm drink tasted.

FanFishin’ with Happy



Click the link to read the Fan Fiction that the crew read out loud on the show. The first half was read on a previous episode, the second half was read on this episode.

Reedus’ Gallery


This weeks fanart is a collaberation of multiple artist. It is titled Collab – Fairy Tail on the beach and was found on the deviantArt page RxDd. Go to the deviantArt page and scroll down to see the other artist that participate. This fanart got rated as follows, (Rated in bra sizes)2 = DD 1 =D 1=C. Some of the crew thought that Natsu had no face, and that Levy’s eyes were a little weird. While others thought that there was to much light in the center and Lucy had no neck. The crew overall agreed that Wendy and Mavis had to much curve in the chest area. With all that being said they agreed that this was a well done image and enjoyed seeing it.

Fairy Tail Chapter 


This weeks fanart for chapter 345 is titled Child Natsu: Chapter 345 and the artist was JasmineBlack. The crew was entertained by this chapter and enjoyed reading it. Natsu wondered if Mashima was making Gray break his own rules by having his ice make move. The chapter was well done and was a good read. To read the chapter click the image. If you wish to see the image click the title, or if you wish to see the artist page click the name of the artist. This was also a collaboration so scroll down when you click on the title to see the other artist involved. The crew rated this (in bra sizes) 1=C 3=D for hilarious panels and Happy’s epic fail!

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Fairy Tail Volume 5 dub review!

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First I would like to start off by saying that all the opinions in this review are mine alone and you are encouraged to disagree and comment below if you want to state you opinion as well.

I will devote my first portion of the review to the dub exclusively.

The second will focus on the story and animation, even though both have been out for a while.

I will be blatantly honest with both.

Let’s start with the new characters that popped up in this set.

Wendy & Carla


When I first heard Wendy’s voice I didn’t know what to think, it certainly had that sweet little girl tone too it that I was looking for, and before I knew it I had grown accustom to Brittney Karbowski’s role as Wendy. Carla on the other hand took a bit of time. I had to listen to the Japanese version a few times, and then switch back to the dub to compare how they both sounded. The qualities of both versions were essentially the same, but the Japanese Carla seemed to have a little more cuteness. Eventually I did get used to Jad Saxton as Carla, and she did do a good job coming across as a “bitchy Mary Poppins.” Which is, more or less, how she acts to everyone until the Edolas arc ends. She is still a nag towards practically everyone, but in less of a degree and by that time, Pantherlily has joined the group helping to balance out that issue. So I look forward to seeing how things go during the Tenrou Island before fully making up my mind about Jad as Carla.

The Trimens


To be honest, this was the easiest decision of all the characters. They were spot on; I felt the actors were cast perfectly. They nailed the quirky personality traits of each member of this playboy trio. The fact that Aaron Dismuke was the eldest of the trio was the most ironic part for me. That aside, I thought his role as Hibiki would be the most difficult for me to get used to having heard him as Alphonse Elric for so long. It seems however, puberty is working in his favor for this role. Hibiki seemed to have the correct amount of maturity I was hoping for. Suffice to say, I was pleasantly surprised. Chris Wehkamp playing the shy guy Ren felt right. And Daniel Litwin pulled off little Eve well with his little brother innocence.

To be honest though, they’re more like this.

Trimens Creep



Now this one was one I knew had to have good comedic timing, and I didn’t like how the voice sounded, but I was able to overlook that once he started interacting with Erza, and let’s face it. I’m not the director and the Fairy Tail voice cast isn’t my Christmas list. Thankfully, he nailed the comedic timing. This to me, is the most important aspect about Ichiya to begin with. Sorry Chris Guerrero, you didn’t do a bad job, I just find the Japanese version more to my liking.



At this point we had met everyone else in Lamia Scale already in season 1 so I will not be reviewing characters that showed up already. Kent Williams, that man could read me the phone book and I would swoon, but that’s probably my inner Yu Yu Hakusho fanboy speaking. I do love this man’s voice I think it would have fit better in Oracion Seis, but I don’t mind him as Jura either, plus Jura shows up more often later anyway, so I’m okay with this. And let’s be honest, I haven’t seen his fight yet since that happens in the next volume, so I will hold any further judgment until then.

Oracion Seis




The guy I had the most issue with. Chris Cason is a good actor, and I loved him as Chamo in Negima, but I just don’t like this Hoteye. I find myself almost cringing when he speaks. To be honest though I was so focused on Carla, Wendy, Jura, Ichiya, and the Trimens that I did not switch track to compare him to the Japanese voice. By the time I write the review for volume 6 I will have done that. To me, Hoteye sounds really annoying. I can’t remember if I felt the same way when I originally watched this arc on Crunchyroll back in the day.



I hated this character when I first watched it. This woman was a bitch, and I wanted to choke her out through my computer screen. Job well done Lindsay Seidel. Because, I wanted to do the same thing through my TV this time. In fact I don’t think I even stopped to think this isn’t Angel.  I think I just immediately accepted it without even knowing it. Hats off to you for fooling my brain like that, at that point I simply got wrapped into the story and genuinely enjoyed shaking my fist in rage at Angel.



This guy… I WANT TO SEE THE FIGHT BETWEEN NATSU AND COBRA DUBBED SO BAD RIGHT NOW!!! That having been said, god what a villain voice… seriously, Jarrod Greene wherever you were hiding this, thanks for bringing it out. I was hoping it to have a more animalistic tone to it at the beginning and I was a little disappointed that it didn’t, but that was just my projection of the character and not what they did with the Japanese version either.



I can’t honestly remember what I thought of brain I think at that point I was either paying more attention to everyone else in Oracion Seis, Wendy, or to Jellal. Sorry for my lack of attention.



Jeff Plunk did get more attention from me than Philip Weber did as Brain. That cocky arrogant snot that is Racer, came across well in the dub. After about 5 minutes I was no longer focusing on the voice and was getting into the story again.

Volume 5

I think it’s a good thing though, even though I’m used to the Japanese version and I was hell bent on analyzing every new character, by the second disc I had almost completely forgotten to review the dub and had been sucked into the story. This is exactly what a good dub is supposed to do!


To be fair, reviewing the story for this volume is kinda rough since it won’t finish until the next volume and there is so much more good stuff to come, but I’ll give it my best shot.

The introductions of the other guilds.

 Good, but I was focusing too much on what everyone sounded like and not what was going on in the story, so I give it a B+.

The introduction of Oracion Seis.

It was the about the same until they started fighting and I started to get pulled in. A-.

The dramatic race to get to Wendy with Erza’s life on the line.

A+. The parts where the different guilds fought a guild of Oracion Seis’ lackeys was good, but I loved the Naked Mummy stuff. I laughed just as much as I did for the Japanese version.

Jellal Reappears

A+. By the time Jellal and Erza had been reunited I was totally pulled back into the story.

Racer Vs. Gray and Lyon

C+. For some reason I consider this to be one of Gray’s most boring fights, which is sad considering how awesome Gray can be the rest of the time.

Angel Vs. Lucy

A+. The best action of volume 5 by far, the comedy, the drama, and the action are the best of all the fights going on. And the dub shines for all of this fight.

Nirvana on the move

B+. To be honest, my rating for this part is that I have to wait for volume 6 because hardly anything awesome happens during this part.

Over all, I give the dub an A-.

The Story is an A.

And the Animation an A.

If you are a fan of Fairy Tail you must add this to your collection!!!

And if you aren’t a fan of Fairy Tail… WHY THE HELL ARE YOU READING THIS REVIEW?!

Go watch the series from the beginning and stop checking out reviews for a season that starts on episode 49 of the series! 😛

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Episode 96.5:Celebrating with Cherami!!!

Click the images below to read the latest chapter. Check out what the crew thought of them and give us your opinions as well!

Episode 96.5


Cherami Leigh

List of work

Staff in:
(English version)
A Certain Scientific Railgun (TV) : Commentary (ep 3)
Fairy Tail (TV) : Commentary (5 episodes)
Negima!? (TV) : Theme Song Performance (ED)
Shakugan no Shana III (Final) (TV) : Commentary (ep 24)
Shakugan no Shana Second (TV) : Commentary (ep 1)
Shiki (TV) : Commentary (ep 22)
Soul Eater (TV) : Commentary (ep 30)
Strain: Strategic Armored Infantry (TV) : Commentary (ep 6)
Strike Witches (TV) : Commentary (ep 12)

Cast in:
(English version)
Aria the Scarlet Ammo (TV)
B Gata H Kei – Yamada’s First Time (TV) as Miharu Takeshita
Baccano! (TV) as Mary Beriam
Bamboo Blade (TV) as Tamaki Kawazoe
Big Windup! (TV) as Chiyo Shino’oka
Birdy the Mighty Decode: The Cipher (OAV) as Natsumi Hayamiya
Birdy the Mighty Decode:02 (TV) as Natsumi Hayamiya
Birdy the Mighty: Decode (TV) as Natsumi Hayamiya
Black Blood Brothers (TV) as Chan
Black Butler (TV) as Elizabeth
Black Butler II (OAV) as Elizabeth
Black Butler II (TV) as Elizabeth
Black Butler: His Butler, Performer (OAV) as Elizabeth
Black Cat (TV) as Aya (ep 13)
Blassreiter (TV) as Katarzyna (ep 7); Snow (eps 18, 20)
Blue Exorcist (TV) as Yuri Egin (eps 23-25)
Burst Angel: Infinity (OAV)Shirley
C – Control – The Money and Soul of Possibility (TV) as Hanabi Ikuta
Case Closed: The Phantom of Baker Street (movie)
Casshern Sins (TV) as Wrench (eps 2-3)
Cat Planet Cuties (OAV) as Chaika
Cat Planet Cuties (TV) as Chaika
A Certain Scientific Railgun (TV) as Kazari Uiharu
Claymore (TV) as Eva (ep 17); Pamela (ep 21); Uma; Young Clare; Yuliana
Corpse Princess (TV) as Itsuki Yamagami
D.Gray-man (TV)Road Camelot
Dance in the Vampire Bund (TV) as Mei Ren
Darker than Black (TV) as July; Mai Kashiwagi (eps 3-4)
Darker than Black: Gemini of the Meteor (TV) as July
Dragon Ball Movie 1: Curse of the Blood Rubies as Pansy (FUNimation Dub)
Dragon Ball Z Kai (TV)
Dragonaut – The Resonance (TV) as Sieglinde Baumgold
Evangelion: 2.0 You Can (Not) Advance (movie)
Fairy Tail (TV) as Lucy Heartfilia
Fairy Tail: Hōō no Miko (movie) as Lucy Heartfilia
Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood (TV); Elicia Hughes
Ga-Rei-Zero (TV) as Mami Izumi
Ghost Hunt (TV) as Mai Taniyama
Gunslinger Girl: Il Teatrino (TV) as Beatrice (eps 8-9, 11)
Heaven’s Lost Property (TV) as Tsukino Hououin (ep 10)
Heaven’s Lost Property the Movie: The Angeloid of Clockwork as Tsukino Hououin
Hell Girl (TV) as Saki Kirino (ep 14)
Heroic Age (TV) as Yuty La
Hetalia – Axis Powers (TV) as Liechtenstein
Hetalia Axis Powers: Paint it, White! (movie) as Liechtenstein
Hetalia World Series (TV)
Initial D: Fourth Stage (TV) as Kazumi Akiyama
Initial D: Second Stage (TV) as Kazumi Akiyama (FUNimation Dub)
Is This a Zombie? (TV) as Eucliwood Hellscythe
Is This a Zombie? of the Dead (TV) as Eucliwood Hellscythe
Kaze no Stigma (TV) as Ayano Kannagi
KenIchi the Mightiest Disciple (TV) as Honoka Shirahama; Makato
(The) Legend of the Legendary Heroes (TV) as Kuu Orla
Level E (TV) as Fujii
Linebarrels of Iron (TV) as Shizuna Endo
Mahou Sensei Negima! OVA Haru as Akira Okuchi; Setsuna Sakurazaki
Mahou Sensei Negima! OVA Natsu as Akira Okuchi; Setsuna Sakurazaki
Master of Martial Hearts (OAV) as Natsume Honma
Mushi-Shi (TV) as Nao (ep 24); Renzu (ep 1)
My Bride is a Mermaid (TV) as Lunar Edomae
My Santa (OAV)
Nabari no Ou (TV) as Shijima
Negima!? (TV) as Akira OkuchiFuka Narutaki (eps 23-26)Fumika Narutaki (eps 23-26)Setsuna Sakurazaki; Young Setsuna (ep 12)
Oh! Edo Rocket (TV) as Shunpei
Ōkami-san & Her Seven Companions (TV) as Machiko Himura (ep 12)
One Piece (TV) as Aisa (FUNimation); Carol; Miss Golden Week; Pepper (FUNimation)
Ouran High School Host Club (TV) as Kirimi Nekozawa
Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt (TV) as Kneesocks
Peach Girl (TV) as Sae Kashiwagi
Ragnarok The Animation (TV)
RIN – Daughters of Mnemosyne (TV) as Yuki Maeno
Rosario + Vampire (TV); Kyoko Aono (Tsukune’s Cousin; voice on cellphone; ep 1)
Rosario + Vampire Capu2 (TV) as Kyoko Aono (Tsukune’s Cousin)
(The) Sacred Blacksmith (TV) as Cecily Campbell
Sands of Destruction (TV) as Anne (ep 6); Seth (ep 6)
Sasami: Magical Girls Club (TV) as Makoto Hozumi
Sasami: Magical Girls Club Season 2 (TV) as Makoto Hozumi
Save Me! Lollipop (TV) as Riru (ep 11)
School Rumble (TV)
School Rumble: 2nd Semester (TV) as Mysterious Girl (eps 25-26); Satsuki Tawaraya
Sekirei (TV) as Hibiki
Sekirei: Pure Engagement (TV) as Hibiki; Sekirei (ep 2)
Sgt. Frog (TV) as Natsumi Hinata
Shakugan no Shana (movie) as Shana
Shakugan no Shana III (Final) (TV) as Shana
Shakugan no Shana S (OAV) as Shana
Shakugan no Shana Second (TV) as Shana
Shigurui: Death Frenzy (TV) as Servant B (ep 3)
Shikabane Hime: Kuro (TV) as Itsuki Yamagami
Shiki (TV) as Sunako Kirishiki
Shin chan (TV) as TV Daughter (Funimation; ep 7); Yaz Heiresz (FUNimation)
Shuffle! (TV) as Primula
Soul Eater (TV) as Patty Thompson
Steins;Gate (TV) as Suzuha Amane
Strain: Strategic Armored Infantry (TV) as Lottie Gellar
Strike Witches (TV) as Yoshika Miyafuji
Strike Witches 2 (TV) as Yoshika Miyafuji
Summer Wars (movie) as Mao Jinnouchi
Suzuka (TV)
Sword Art Online (TV) as Asuna
Tales of Vesperia: The First Strike (movie) as Estellise
Tenchi Muyo! War on Geminar (OAV) as Wahanly Shume
(The) Tower of Druaga: The Aegis of Uruk (TV) as Uoo Roo (eps 7-8, 12)
(The) Tower of Druaga: the Sword of Uruk (TV) as Uoo Roo (6 episodes)
Trigun: Badlands Rumble (movie) as Amelia Ann McFly (Young)
Tsubasa Tokyo Revelations (OAV) as Satsuki
Tsubasa: RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE (TV) as Suzuran (4 episodes)
Witchblade (TV) as Naomi
XXXHOLiC (TV) as Girl (ep 1)Himawari Kunogi
XxxHOLiC the Movie: A Midsummer Night’s Dream as Himawari Kunogi; Spirit A
Zetman (TV) as Mayu Hashimoto; News Anchor; Woman

Cherami Leigh

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